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    Fangli Technology FLSJ60-40AG high-efficiency single-screw extruder won the Ringier (Extrusion) Technology Innovation Award

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        The highly anticipated 2017 Plastics Industry ---- Ringier Technology Innovation Award Ceremony was successfully held on March 9th at Shanghai Longemont Hotel.

        2017 is the 12th edition of the Ringier Plastics Industry Technology Innovation Award. As a well-known selection event for innovative products in the plastics industry, the Ringier Plastics Industry Technology Innovation Award has been praised by some companies as the "Oscar of the Plastics Industry". Based on several weeks of rigorous review process and the professional and due diligence assessment of the independent jury, Fangli Technology finally stood out with the "FLSJ60-40AG high-efficiency single screw extruder" and became one of the two award-winning companies in extrusion technology.

        Ma Guoxi, President of Ringier Industrial Media, said in the opening speech of the Innovation Award. "All the award-winning products this year are well deserved. Some technologies have successfully filled the gaps in the domestic market; some technologies have greatly optimized the traditional processing technology to be more energy-saving and efficient; and some technologies are high-performance and environmentally friendly. Outstanding performance in terms of categories... From the perspective of categories, plastic raw materials and additives have shown consistent fierce competition. All award-winning products are selected from the best, and this year’s registered products are particularly focused on innovation in specific application areas; injection molding, extrusion The three categories of export and blow molding technology have also experienced fierce confrontation. All registered products strive for higher speed, efficiency and better energy-saving effects. With people’s attention to environmental protection technology, the recycling equipment category has also attracted the judges. Our great attention".

        Being awarded the Technology Innovation Award is an affirmation of the past work of our R&D team, and more encouragement and encouragement. We look forward to Fangli Technology R&D team launching more high-quality, efficient, energy-saving and environmentally friendly new products.

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