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    Mid-autumn night anti-Taiwan rescue

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         News from our journal (our journalist) On the night of Mid-Autumn Festival, people were reunited with their families and immersed in the joyful festivals, but the ravages of typhoon "Moranti" blocked the beautiful full moon and cast a shadow over the beautiful festival. The security team members of Bali Xindi Property gave up the opportunity of family gatherings during the holiday and stayed at their posts. With the advent of strong winds and heavy rainfall, whether it will cause damage to the Bali Xindi project under construction has become the focus of the security team.

        At 8 o'clock in the evening, security foreman Li Yalei and team member Bai Yajun conducted inspections as planned. No, it's leaking. As the water from the third-story commercial terrace poured back into the mall, it caused water to accumulate in the 7 and a half beef steak shops. Rainwater infiltrated the shops and then flowed to the second and first floors. The two team members reported to the deputy general manager of the property company Shi in a timely manner when they lacked tools and could not handle it. The water situation is urgent. When he saw the report section in the WeChat group, Mr. Chen immediately rushed to the construction site from his home, joined with Shi Guanghui, who also came from home, organized rescue operations, and issued three urgent instructions.

        The first instruction was to mobilize troops and horses urgently. The staff on duty Shi Jiye, Luo Yang, Chen Shuangjie, Yan Zhouxu and Zhou Yeling, Shi Lei, Ma Yue, and Gou Hongyang, who were enjoying the holiday at home and dormitory, were urgently mobilized and immediately rushed to the scene with an order. The second instruction is to ask the municipal construction unit to cooperate with the emergency place. The third instruction is to dig a drain in the flower bed. After two hours of rescue work, the third-floor terrace drainage ditch was dug to remove the accumulated water and the danger was relieved. The rescuers finally breathed a sigh of relief and smiled triumphantly. At this time, everyone felt the chill of their wet body under the strong wind. After they changed their clothes, they took turns to patrol, preparing for new challenges.
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