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    Point incentives, how many points did you earn for yourself

         In order to motivate employees to work long-term, sustainably, actively and actively, to promote their rapid growth, and to make higher and greater contributions to the company, the company issued the "Points System Incentive Management Measures" in early August. Employees establish points accounts from the moment they start their jobs, and earn and accumulate points through various positive behaviors. The points are linked to personalized employee benefits and medium- and long-term incentives to fully motivate employees' subjective initiative and mobilize work enthusiasm.

         It has been nearly a month since the "Points System Incentive Management Measures" was released and implemented. I think everyone has already earned some points for themselves during this period.

         Point system management enables the formation of strong potential within the enterprise, recognizes the value of employees, and guides their behavior. I hope that through the implementation and implementation of this system, we will guide a correct corporate culture.

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