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    Concentrate and forge ahead hand in hand-remember the first team building activity of technology companies

        On a Saturday afternoon with continuous autumn rains, the technology company held the first team building activity. In this team building activity, we mobilized the backbone of various business departments and marketing centers, and everyone actively responded to the call to participate in this team building activity.

         The team building activities started at two o'clock in the afternoon. First, the group vice president Lu Suqin Lu gave a speech for us, adhering to the principle of "friendship first, competition second", emphasizing safety and encouraging everyone to actively participate in each event.

         There are two events in this team building activity, tug of war and rope skipping.

         The first thing played was a tug of war. After a lottery, the first group of teams competed against the Marketing Center of the Structural Wall Tube Equipment Division, and the second group of teams competed against the Procurement Logistics Department of the Real Wall Tube Equipment Division.

        The two teams in the first round happened to have women players. In the fierce competition between the two sides, it was the structural wall team that won.

        The second round of the battle was more intense. After some fierce competition, the real-wall management team won.

         The third round was to compete for the final first place. The two teams of structural wall and solid wall tube were competing. In this round, everyone used their fullest energy for the competition, and the two sides stalemate each other. After a while, the real-wall management team finally won the first place!

         After giving everyone a break, we immediately proceeded to the next competition event-rope skipping. Although each skipping rope, the final ranking is based on the total number of each person in the group.

        According to the order of one to four groups (purchasing→marketing→solid wall pipe→structural wall pipe), everyone followed the referee's command to carry out the project in an orderly manner. When the rope skipping was in progress, a fine light rain began to fall in the sky, but it did not affect everyone's active participation in the competition. They still tried to skip rope in the rain.

         In the final statistics, a total of 544 structural wall tubes won the first place in this rope skipping competition!

This team building activity was successfully held with everyone's active participation! We have also prepared prizes for all those who are actively participating in the competition. This good beginning also laid a good foundation for future activities. I hope everyone can actively participate in future activities.

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